Even in Poland we were able to follow one of the newer "german" New Year Traditions by watching "Dinner for One" on the laptop... O.K., it wasn't Bigscreen and for some of the polish visitors not really funny, but anyway :-)

Aber anschließend setzte sich die Party in der gesamten Wohnung fort - während im Wohnzimmer getanzt wurde, unterhielten sich einige im Schlafzimmer...
But later on the party continued throughout the whole appartment - while people were dancing in the livingroom, some chatted along in the sleeping room...

... oder im/um den nun legendären Schrank :-)
... or in (and around) the now-legendary cabinet :-)

Ich glaub' ich hab' zu meinem Geburtstag noch nie soooo viele Luftballons bekommen... Danke!
I believe I've never got that many ballooons for any of my birthdays yet ... Thank you!!!

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